Delivery trucks make up much of the traffic clogging California’s busy roads and highways. You may be surprised to learn that delivery drivers are generally not held to a higher standard of safety, such as truck drivers, despite the challenge of operating a larger...
100 Most Influential Lawyers in America – the National Law Journal
100 Most Influential Lawyers in America
– the National Law Journal
Insurance & HMO Claim Denials
Was my denied auto insurance claim an act of bad faith?
When a reckless driver strikes your vehicle, causing serious injuries and significant property damage, you likely promptly filed a claim with your auto insurer. The claim was likely reasonable and valid, per your understanding of the terms of the policy. Nevertheless,...
What are the most common reasons for a car insurance denial?
When one is involved in a car accident, car insurance provides the peace of mind to know that everything will likely work out. After all, car accidents are what car insurance are for, so when they happen, they pay, right? Unfortunately, not always. There are a variety...
Pre-authorization requirements can harm Californians
Many health insurance companies require what is sometimes called pre-authorization or prior authorization before they will agree to pay for certain health care services. If a service is subject to prior authorization, then the doctor will have to show the health...
Did your HMO or PPO deny your insurance claim?
When an injury strikes, the world can come crashing down around the victim and his or her family members. In most cases, these people rely on their insurance to ensure that they receive proper treatment so that they can resume to their normal lives as soon as...
The three steps necessary to start an appeal of a health claim
It is incredibly frustrating to have a medical claim denied by your health insurance company. After all, you make monthly payments just to be insured and the treatment you are seeking reimbursement may have been very necessary. Those in California who have had a...
What may I receive if my insurance company denies my claim?
Californians expect that when they need them, their insurance companies will pull through and pay their claims or defend against a lawsuit. Unfortunately, sometimes insurance companies just do not follow through on the obligations at the critical time when people need...
Why was my life insurance claim denied?
It seems fairly straightforward that if one has life insurance, and then passes away, the life insurance company pays out the life insurance benefits to the surviving loved ones. However, as anyone who has ever filed an insurance claim before can attest, dealing with...