100 Most Influential Lawyers in America – the National Law Journal

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100 Most Influential Lawyers in America
– the National Law Journal

Are TBIs really that big of a deal?

On Behalf of | Jul 5, 2022 | Personal Injury

When you are injured in an accident, it is easy to concentrate on the obvious injuries, like broken bones, bruises, abrasions, etc. It is natural to concentrate on those injuries that you can see. However, one of the injuries that could, potentially, impact your life the most is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). What makes it even worse is that you may not even know you have a TBI.

What can cause a TBI?

First, and foremost, the most important thing to know about a TBI is that you can get a TBI from any violent jolt to the body. It does not, necessarily, have to be an impact to the head or a puncture to the head. Even a violent shake could cause a TBI, under the right circumstances.

Are there any telltale signs?

Yes. The most common sign that you may have a TBI is a headache and nausea. Although you could also have a ringing in your ears, drowsiness, confusion, a bad taste in your mouth and blurry vision. The problem though is that you may not feel all of these symptoms.

As a TBI injury worsens, you may start having severe mood swings, which could be exhibited as aggressive or nonsensical behavior. You may not notice it, but your speech may also be incomprehensible.

What about kids?

If it is difficult for adults to sometimes know they have a TBI, it is definitely hard for a child to know. And, this is especially true for children who are too young to communicate or who have trouble communicating. Parents can look for some signs, including any change of behavior. This includes changes in feeding habits, sleep schedules and changing interests in their favorite toys and games.

What can we learn?

After an accident, have everyone checked out by a medical professional. No matter how minor the impact, it is better safe than sorry. And, when it comes to children, be extra cautious because their brains are not fully formed yet.