100 Most Influential Lawyers in America – the National Law Journal

Photo of Mark and Michelle with the flag

100 Most Influential Lawyers in America
– the National Law Journal

Strong Advocacy After An Accident On The Highway

Freeways and highways allow us easy thoroughfares from one place to another with fewer required stops. However, with the volume of traffic in Los Angeles and other areas of California, freeway and highway accidents are inevitable and can be catastrophic or fatal. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident on the freeway or if you have lost a family member in a highway accident, our attorneys can help you obtain the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries or your loss.

We Have Recovered Millions Of Dollars For Our Clients

At The Law Offices of Hiepler & Hiepler, our accomplished trial lawyers have recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients for more than 25 years. We understand how much a serious injury can affect your life. We have the commitment, the resources and the reputation to see your case through to the end.

Common Causes Of Freeway Accident Injury

Accidents can occur on the freeway for any number of reasons, including:

  • Excessive speed
  • Weaving in and out of traffic
  • Rush-hour gridlock
  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Weather
  • Secondary impacts — where a car collides with another vehicle (or a pedestrian), already pulled over because of an accident
  • Driver fatigue
  • Road construction

Because of the high speeds along freeways and highways, injuries resulting from these accidents can be severe. Whether you were injured in a rear-end accident in rush-hour traffic or you were in a head-on collision, the damage can be life-changing.

Our attorneys thoroughly investigate your accident and look for evidence that proves fault on the part of the negligent driver. We pursue all avenues of compensation for you, including any imperfections in the roadway or road construction that may have caused your accident. We have handled cases involving the following freeways and highways:

  • Ventura Highway (101)
  • The 405
  • Santa Monica Freeway
  • Highway 23
  • Highway 118
  • Interstate 5
  • Pacific Coast Highway (1)

Contact Our Highway Accident Injury Lawyers

After any car accident, it is important to move quickly to protect your and your family’s rights. To arrange a free consultation with an experienced vehicle accident trial lawyer at Hiepler & Hiepler, in Oxnard, please contact us at 866-531-3532 or by email. You are never charged a fee unless you receive compensation for your injuries.